Refund Policy

When are you eligible for a refund ?

If when opening the package you find that product is (one of the following) :

  1.  Broken
  2.  Defective or faulty
  3.  Ineligible for its use
  4. The wrong product !

Or if product had not been received at all.

Who can i open a refund request ?

  • Refund request will be accepted up to 45 days from the date of placing the order
  • The request has to be sent by email to
  • It must contain a video or a clear photo which shows the current situation of product.
  • It must also contain a video or a photo of the original package, which the shipping address ( your address!) appears on.

How do i get my money back?

  • The easiest way for us is to send the money to your Paypal account
  • If you don't have one, we can do a bank transfer directly to your bank account
  • If  we aren't able to accomplish the above, you'll get a coupon to our store , that worth's the equivalent amount of money you deserve.